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This page provides a detailed overview of the color palette available in MeUI. This palette is designed to create a cohesive and visually appealing user interface that aligns with the Neo Brutalism aesthetic, characterized by bold and striking visual elements.

Primary Colors

The main colors used for primary UI elements such as buttons, links, and highlights.

Primary Color
Secondary Color
Accent Color
Success Color
Danger Color
Warning Color
Info Color

Secondary Colors

Used to complement the primary colors, these shades are often applied to secondary actions or supportive UI elements.

Red Color
Orange Color
Amber Color
Yellow Color
Lime Color
Green Color
Emerald Color
Teal Color
Cyan Color
Sky Color
Blue Color
Indigo Color
Violet Color
Purple Color
Fuchsia Color
Pink Color
Rose Color


Neutral shades for backgrounds, borders, and text, ensuring readability and contrast without overpowering primary and secondary colors.

Gray 100
Gray 200
Gray 300
Gray 400
Gray 500
Gray 600
Gray 700
Gray 800
Gray 900
Gray 950

Released under the MIT License.